
私隐政策公告 to consumers

国营农场®重视您的隐私. This notice describes how we collect, use, secure and share non-public personal information. 我们提供此通知是因为您与我们的一个客户发生了索赔,无论您是否是国营农场的现有客户,我们都会提供此通知. You might receive this notice because you were involved:

  • In an automobile accident with a 国营农场 insured as the driver of another vehicle,
  • As a passenger in a vehicle involved in a claim with a 国营农场 insured,
  • In a claim recorded under a 国营农场 房主 policy.


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A Good Neighbor is a Green Neighbor


  • We do not sell consumer information.
  • 我们不会将消费者信息提供给国营农场家族公司以外代表我们开展业务的个人或组织, 为了他们自己的营销目的.
  • 根据合同,我们要求代表我们向消费者提供产品或服务的任何个人或组织保护国营农场消费者信息的机密性.
  • 如果您同意,我们可能会共享消费者信息并允许其他人使用该信息, it is necessary to complete a transaction you request or it is otherwise permitted by law.
  • 我们不会与州立农场公司家族中的任何人分享消费者的医疗信息, unless you expressly authorize it or we are permitted or required by law to do so.


我们收集和使用我们认为管理我们的业务和为您提供服务所必需的信息. We may collect and maintain several types of consumer information needed for these purposes. For example, we collect information:

  • 从你, through written correspondence and telephone or in-person interviews, such as your address and phone number.
  • From non-国营农场 companies, such as your driving record and claim history.

How we use information about you

We use consumer information to process claims and provide services you request.


我们可能会与您分享我们的经验信息,以更好地为您服务,并协助满足您的服务需求. 我们也可能在您同意的情况下,或在完成您请求或法律允许或要求的交易的必要情况下,向我们公司家族内外的个人或组织披露有关您的消费者信息. 我们在必要时分享消费者信息,以处理您的索赔,并保护您免受欺诈和未经授权的交易.

国营农场 protects consumer information

We maintain physical, electronic and organizational safeguards to protect consumer information. We continually review our policies and practices, 监察我们的电脑网络及测试我们的保安,以确保消费者资料的安全.

您也可以通过联系任何国营农场代理或在以下网站查看在线信息来获取有关国营农场家族公司提供的金融产品和服务的信息 educacaoparavida.com®.

Your right to know personal information

作为个人, you have certain rights to know what personal information we've recorded:

  • 一旦我们收到书面要求查阅已记录的个人信息,而该等个人信息是可合理定位和检索的, 我们将在30天内:
    • inform you of the nature and substance of the recorded personal information in writing, by telephone or by other oral communication.
    • 允许您查看并复制, 在人, 适用于您的记录的个人信息(医疗记录信息除外)或通过邮件向您提供该信息的副本, 你喜欢哪一个.
    • 通知你这些人, 如果记录, 个人信息(医疗记录信息除外)在您提出请求前两年内已被披露的. If the identities have not been recorded, we will provide you with the names of those insurance institutions, 代理, pp王者电子官网支持组织或通常向其披露此类信息的其他人.
    • provide you with a summary of the procedures by which you may request correction, 修改或删除 of recorded personal information.
  • Medical-record information — Subject to a few state exceptions, 医疗机构或医疗专业人员提供的医疗记录信息通常会由国营农场向您提供姓名和地址的医疗专业人员披露,该医疗专业人员获得许可,可针对该信息适用的条件提供医疗服务.
  • 州立农场可能会向您收取合理的费用,以支付向您提供记录的个人信息副本所产生的费用. 如果该信息适用于不利承保决定的原因,则不收取任何费用.
  • 在某些情况下, 我们可以通过将您转介给pp王者电子官网支持组织来履行我们对您访问记录的个人信息的义务.
  • 您有权访问记录的个人信息,适用于与pp王者电子官网交易有关的收集和保存的信息. 这些权利不适用于与索赔或民事或刑事诉讼有关或在合理预期中收集的信息.

Your right to correct personal information

作为个人, you have the following rights in regard to the correction, 修改或删除 of recorded personal information:

  • Within 30 days of receiving your written request to correct, amend or delete any recorded personal information we have, 州立农场将:
    • correct, amend or delete the portion of the recorded personal information in dispute or
    • notify you of our refusal to make the correction, 修改或删除, the reasons for the refusal and your right to file a protest statement.
  • If the recorded personal information is corrected, 修改或删除, you will be notified in writing and this information will be furnished to:
    • any person you've designated who may have, 在过去两年内, received such recorded personal information.
    • 个人信息的主要来源是pp王者电子官网机构的任何pp王者电子官网支持组织, 如果它在过去7年内系统地从我们那里收到了有关您的记录个人信息, unless this information is no longer maintained.
    • 提供已更正之个人资料之pp王者电子官网支援机构, 修改或删除.
  • If you disagree with a refusal to correct, amend or delete recorded personal information, 你可提交:
    • 简明扼要地陈述你认为正确、相关或公平的信息
    • concise statement of the reasons why you disagree with the refusal to correct, amend or delete recorded personal information.
  • If you file either of the statements described above, 州立农场将:
    • 将有争议的个人信息提交到声明中,并提供一种方法,使任何审查有争议的个人信息的人都能了解并访问该声明.
    • 在任何后续披露的记录的个人信息是有异议的主题, clearly identify the information in dispute and provide the statements that have been filed.
    • 向第二项所列的三类个人和组织中的任何一类提供陈述.
  • Your rights regarding the correction, 更改或删除记录的个人资料,适用于就pp王者电子官网交易而收集及保存的资料. 这些权利不适用于与索赔或民事或刑事诉讼有关或在合理预期中收集的信息.

最后, we feel you should know that insurance-support organizations, which furnish personal information to insurance companies, 是否可在其档案中保留该资料的副本,并可向他人披露该资料.


  • 写信给我们:
    关注:企业合规性 & 道德-隐私办公室,C-2
  • 给我们发邮件至privacy@educacaoparavida.com (Please include your first name, last name and address.)
